Currency Exchange like never before

Fast. Safe. Guaranteed. Buy travel money at highly competitive rates and collect across the UK. With Bureau de Changes in London, Manchester & Birmingham, Ria is there for you wherever you are. Book a collection in just a few minutes & experience a new face of Currency Exchange today.

Reserve your foreign currency in 3 easy steps

  • 1 Tell us what foreign currency you want
  • 2 Choose your click and collect location
  • 3 Make your payment with card or cash

Online currency exchange

Getting exchange rate...

Min/Max Permitted: 50 - 1999

Rates and fees reflect exchanging from GBP
We do not purchase €500 notes

Your basket

More than 60 currencies available
More than 60 currencies available
Our stores buy back what you don't use
Our stores buy back what you don't use
Payment by card or cash
Payment by card or cash

Save on your currency exchange with Ria

Are you doing to travel abroad? Here are the main currency exchanges made by our customers but we have more than 60 currencies with the best market prices